Flat Stanley
Flat Stanley:zúčastnila projektu s americkou školou Flat Stanley.
Realizace projektu:2015/2016
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- Dráčci obdrželi chlapečka Stanleyho, který cestuje v obálce po USA a zavítal až za velkou louži k nám do Orangery. Se Stanleym děti prožily týden u nich ve třídě a dokumentovaly každý den to, co zažily. Stanleyho nakonec odeslaly zpět do USA i s deníkem jejich zážitku.

Flat Stanley arrived right at the end of March when we were finishing the books and stories theme week. He enjoyed reading with some of our parents.

Because of the book theme, Stanley took a trip with us to the city library in Prague. He rode the train and the tram with us too! This picture is of the famous „Obecní dům“.

Knihovna means „library“ in czech.

At the very end of the book week, on April first, Stanley celebrated the Hans Christian Andersen night with us. Every year all participating preschools and schools sleep over in their classrooms or in local libraries. At bedtime they read Andersen’s famous stories. This year the theme was „The little Mermaid“. Kids and teachers came dressed up as sea creatures. There was carnival and games and we did a night game in the park, all about The little Mermaid story.

The month of April was dedicated to growth and change in nature. Stanley planted peas with us after reading the book „Jack and the beansttalk.

Stanley helped us make grass heads.

Next Stantley, enjoyed a color week and Tuesday April 19th was Green day!

We sang :Travička Zelená – “The green grass”

Lastly on Orange day, April 20th, we fed the ducks by the lake at our local park.